
New color of Myanmar Tote Bag トートバッグの新色入荷しました

A new color of Myanmar tote bag is now available at Princess tailoring shop in Yangon (No.15A/B Ground Floor, Nyaung Tone Road, Sanchaung Township, Yangon).
The navy based color bag is added newly at the shop.
ミャンマー・トートバッグの新色がPrincess tailoring Shopに入荷しました (No.15A/B Ground Floor, Nyaung Tone Road, Sanchaung Township, Yangon)。

The tote bag is made with the traditional colorful Myanmar fabric.
They are sewed carefully to make it durable for using under the tough condition in Myanmar.
There are five type of different colors with bags. All of them are one of a kind product. They are sewed carefully to make it durable for using under the tough condition in Myanmar.
It is better to come to the shop soon if you want to get your favorite color of one.

The product is made by AAR (Association for Aid and Relief) of a Japanese NGO.
AAR supports Myanmar physically handicapped people to get professional skills and chances for their social involvement by training of tailoring and sewing.
They sell all bags at 30USD.
このトートバッグは日本のNGOAAR (Association for Aid and Relief)さんで製作されました。

If you would like to see more information, please check out below Facebook page link of YANGON CALLING;

さらなる情報は以下のFB Pageでご覧になれます。

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